
Johanna Espinosa


Johanna Espinosa has managed strategic alliances, design, and marketing strategies for several companies in the United States, as well as at an international level such as Honda, Univenture, Nekupe, UniKeep™, Biosortia, etc. Prior to Nekupe, Johanna managed marketing campaigns while also being responsible for the ongoing development and creation of the Univenture corporate identity in a variety of mediums. Espinosa was a design consultant for the Nicaraguan Institute for Small and Medium Size Industries and planned international events to promote and market Nicaraguan handcrafts and ceramics. Espinosa has served as Web master for the Center for Latin American Studies at The Ohio State University, illustrated children's books, and received awards for national and international art exhibitions. She has a Masters in Fine Arts, Design from The Ohio State University and a Masters in Education from Framingham State University in Boston.

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